Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Happy Holidaze to all my Friends and growing number of Enemies. Another year has passed. CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW MANY AMAZING THINGS I'VE DONE? me neither. ...Everyone knows I love giving presents, but unfortanetly I cant wrap any this year as I've decided to become a Jehovah Witness. I've just started training for the new religion so I can still ACCEPT gifts but cant give any out. BUMMER, but I will promise to be your friend for one more year. When you send me something DO NOT ASSUME I WILL REMEMBER YOU!!! so please include your name, photo and a short story on how great it is to know ME. TIS THE SEASON! and I accept Pay Pal.
For the many Gift Givers in my life who practically have an anxiety attack on what to get the guy who has EVERYTHING except a small penis... here is this years Santa List : (Drum Roll please!) ....Red Licorice, cement mix, Moonwalk, KY-Jelly (mine grew mold from inactivity), Graphic Designers, Cheap Wine, Partners in Crime, Golden Fluid Acrylic Paint - Carbon Black (do not screw that up), magic mushrooms, A cure for prolonged erections, A bigger sailboat and a submarine, Blue and Gray tiles, 8 x 10 pictures of ME, Lucky Charms, Renuzit for when you visit, 2 Body Guards, sexy girlfriends, One Hitter, apology from a Certain Fuck-Up and a Year of my Life Back, Bitter Mints, 65 Chevy C-10 shortbox, Clone of ME, Better Art Reviews, Snowglobes, Less Drool, More Action, Garanimals, A funner Job, Madonna to quit calling me, Underground Circus, Large Bills, Narcassitic Pleasure, personal pan pizza, and MY NAME IN LIGHTS!
Every New Year I try to make Resolutions on how I can Improve My Friends. But it is a Lost Cause. I am redirecting my Energies into something more meaningful... ME! Its brilliant and wish I would have thought of this years ago! A Temple will be erected with several Gold Leafed Statues in MY image to Worship. Open 24 hours for those who Dream of ME in the Moonlit hours.

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